The latest installment...
36.5 weeks - Like the self portrait? I was trying on a few things, and quickly gave up when I realized I'd have to take my shoes off. Forget's just not worth it! (sorry for the bad cell phone picture)
35 Weeks - Might be the end of stripes for me. Warning - bad self portrait cell phone picture!
32 Weeks...and feeling big! (and a little unprepared and out of time!)
29 Weeks...and starting to realize how much effort it takes to put socks and shoes on!
27, almost 28 Weeks (looking a little haggard after an impromptu after work cleaning frenzy - I think they'd call this nesting!)
26 Weeks (I think) post apple picking break with Emily!
23 Weeks
22 Weeks (Post Spin Class Sweaty Picture)
21 Weeks (Hiking in Santa Fe while on our anniversary/baby-moon trip)
21 Weeks (Seated Mom's Eye View)
21 Weeks (Celebrating our 2nd Anniversary)
20 Weeks
18 Weeks
14 Weeks
12-13 Weeks
So cute, and awesome! There's a little person in there!!!