Anyhow...with all the rain we've had, the step continued to deteriorate. This past weekend Michael decided it was time to attack the step! So...he dismantled the whole thing, took the lattice off the side, and cleaned out under the stairs. (You'll see the treasures that were hidden down below the stairs in the following pictures. Treasures I tell you!)
Of course, as with any home improvement project, removing the top of the stairs only uncovered further damage to the risers. Lucky for us...we had left over pressure treated wood from our washer/dryer platform project on hand. We also received a lovely circular saw from our neighbor (left over from another neighbor who moved into a condo and had no use for it. His loss=our gain!).
First, Michael did a little internet research on how to repair/build stairs. Second, he dove right in. He had to build new risers, a new step, and coming soon...a new kick plate. I helped with the cutting, as well as making lunch and bringing iced tea to the laborer. I was also quite useful for standing on the (new) step while the laborer screwed the wood into place.
The step is still in need of kick plate...I guess that's what it's called...but it's fully functional and much safer than the rotten, soaking wet, collapsing step that used to be there.'s not painted grey like the rest of the staircase...but who cares! It works! A finished after picture will be coming soon.
Now on to the photos...
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